Thursday, February 2, 2012

The worst thing one can do is to make someone feel insecure, to tear someone down. Just because society is redefining "modelesque", it does not mean that only the girls with the tiniest waistline, or the girls with the most slender legs, or the girls with the perkiest butts, are beautiful. People make ridicules too quickly, but yet we are ever too illiberal with compliments. Maybe it's in our selfish nature to put someone down just so we could feel a lot better about ourselves.

But it's depressing to know how some people can be so reckless with the words they choose to use. You don't go around telling a stranger she's not good-looking. So you shouldn't, and should never, go to someone you don't even know, to someone you've not even breathed a single word to, and tell her she's fat, or she's ugly, or she's hypocritical, or she's a whore. You don't judge her just like that. I understand that it's very easy to say things on the internet right now because you can freely do it anonymously, but really, the impact, have you thought about it? Words beats swords. They say that if you're confident in your own skin, words won't bring you down. But how not to when everyone around you is full of critics?

People do get tired of putting up fake fronts. Behind every smile is possibly a girl who had gone through the toughest battles. I know of girls who have starved themselves till they are only left with skin and bones, but are still dissatisfied with how "fat" they are. I know of girls who slashed their own wrists because they believe that's the only way people will notice them. Yes, they are seeking attention. But why? It is only because loneliness is painful. Slowly, all of us started disregarding the joy a compliment brings. Slowly, we overvalue criticisms, and think mean comments are funny.

Don't get me wrong, feedback is fine. And i truly believe that moulding someone with constructive criticism is healthy. But not when your sole purpose is to bring someone down. It has crossed the line if your very motive is to trample on someone's insecurity just because you want to feel good about yourself. Flaws are overrated. We all need to learn how to keep our loud and malicious opinions to ourselves.

Oh and also, people get tired of living.

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